
just work for 4 hours today...i wear contact lens..tehee..
just work for 4 hours today...i wear contact lens..tehee..
tried some clothes....
pang bought me french fries at around 8.30pm...=*
pang bought me french fries at around 8.30pm...=*
off today....
went to dye my hair..
the sifu ask me to dye those colour..
i also don't know what colour will be on my hair...
chocolate with highlight..1st time
went out for yam cha with him at night...
had MCD breakfast..yeah!!
had MCD breakfast again...
still nice!! mc sausage muffin
saw a lizard...but its die...
still nice!! mc sausage muffin
saw a lizard...but its die...
ate KFC at my lunch time alone
had Pizza..........yummy..
dinner - KFC again..
got pimples!!
headed to A & W to have my supper..yeah!! long time didn't eat..
saw danson,he looks Q
off today...
went out to interview others work...
then go zoey's house to take something but at the last,didn't take..
went jusco for accompany my sister..
then went to watsons..
the promoter said i'm like a actor in Singapore,don't know what is her english name...wahaha
then go and eat pan mee...long time didn't eat ^^
then went to watsons..
the promoter said i'm like a actor in Singapore,don't know what is her english name...wahaha
then go and eat pan mee...long time didn't eat ^^
i noe i noe~~
u look like fan wen fang~~
d lao shi jia lao da d actor~~
ya..many people said..
u also think that??
why huh
cuz u really alike her ma~~
same oso leng lui~~
ya meh??din hear from you b4
leng lui??she is only^^
last sunday,got a customer said me alike her again..
last time dunno u ma~~
so mai din say lo~~
song ma??
alike wit a leng lui~~
u oso leng lui~~
haha..song a bit lo...
din find work to do?
b4 exam got go ask 4 work d...
2day ask again...
get work jor...
at t1 d scorpion...
rmb come bong chen me noe??
my laopo oso get work liao o...
song lo u 2~~
can 2gether go makan kuch n dinner jor~~
no de la..
some times not ngam one..
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