19 October 2008
On Sunday -
at around 9.30pm,mummy brought us to eat crab and 'fish-head-mi hun'
taste good....^^
but its expensive for me..
there is not a high-class place.but total price is 175 bucks....
Then went back to home..
why we have our dinner late??bcoz have to wait my sister done her job...
around 11.45pm
my family members celebrating my birthday with meee!!
felt happy...
after wish some wishes...my sister take some cream onto my face..
yiyakkk~~ oily...
they still have to work and meee having exam tomorrow so they go n sleep after that..
meee......DO REVISION..
MY SWEET SIXTEEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeahlulliyah @@
20 October 2008
today 's paper just simply do..
after school just back home..
mummy and sister brought me to hv lunch before back home...
Andrew called me at 1.40pm...asked me where is me...
he wanna give me birthday present..but i back alre so i will take from him on tomorrow
Baobao called me too...at 1.46pm...asked the same thing..^^
he asked me to go out at night then i said:'hmmm..after my tuition'..he is okay..
at around 3 or 4
my add maths tuition teacher msg and tell me that today tuition is canceled
my add maths tuition teacher msg and tell me that today tuition is canceled
made me happy til shout...how crazy i am
i called joel in the evening,but he din answer my call...
i called zoey and she told me that she is at home to study...(always study)
i called joel in the evening,but he din answer my call...
i called zoey and she told me that she is at home to study...(always study)
i called zoey's house phone,her sister and her mum said she is not at home..
i felt so weird...
i msg her and ask her again but zoey still said she is at home..
i msg her and ask her again but zoey still said she is at home..
i thought she went out with someone else...
then around 10 pm...
my six sense is telling me that they will come my house later...
when i want to start to do my revision then they come...^^
so so so suprised....love yah...^^
they gave me two choc tart cake from 7 eleven and one TOMATO..
they gave me two choc tart cake from 7 eleven and one TOMATO..
cause i'm a TOMATO....
i opened the present that they gave me...
it's a minnie mouse music box....Q dou~~~
then then then,went out to eat tin kai porridge and i treated them to eat....=*
when we were going back to my house,my sister saw me then she come and fetch us up...
fetch them all back then only back home..
then doing my revision as much as i can memorize....failed
then doing my revision as much as i can memorize....failed
i slept late yesterday...i went to toilet at around 3 something...shit!!!
i thought is that tin kai porridge made me shit and stomach pain a lot but not!!
is the choc tart cake!!!!
stomach pain in the whole morning...
can't even stand for the exam...how bad
chemistry paper 2 and paper 3...
i don't know how to do...
i don't know how to do...
i received present from ah foong and andrew....
so Q..thanks yah....
sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet SWEET
16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
happy birthday~~
u n zoey sot sot d~~
after exam 死命blogging~~
not si ming blogging la..
just blog what we didn't blog whlie having exam ^^
ya la..^^btw, nice posted..
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