went out with zoey of course and with some friends..
1st time went out with them..hehee
Ah Foong jie had a bowling match,he asked me out at 1st but i said lazy to out,but after that chia yee asked me to out and feel ah foong jie very CHARM..wahaha then i go out lo ^^ At the last,we din accompany him while he is having his bowling match...
me and zoey went to buy dinner for my sister then go shopping foir a while =*...
i apologise to him of course ^^
Ah Foong jie had a bowling match,he asked me out at 1st but i said lazy to out,but after that chia yee asked me to out and feel ah foong jie very CHARM..wahaha then i go out lo ^^ At the last,we din accompany him while he is having his bowling match...
me and zoey went to buy dinner for my sister then go shopping foir a while =*...
i apologise to him of course ^^
he lost the competition,i gave him a coupon then he headed to Mc Donald ^^
watch 21...NICE NICE !!
the 'main' guy looks handsome =*
went out with zoey,ah foong,gregory,kam hong,kam hong's brother and a guy that i don't know.
oh yah!! met Kleven tonight..sitting beside mee when watching movie =*
sister with her bf brought me back after movie =*
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